Lacey and Mr. Bentley【電子書籍】[ K. Lyn ]
![Lacey and Mr. Bentley【電子書籍】[ K. Lyn ]](https://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/rakutenkobo-ebooks/cabinet/6683/2000001226683.jpg?_ex=365x365)
![Lacey and Mr. Bentley【電子書籍】[ K. Lyn ]](https://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/rakutenkobo-ebooks/cabinet/6683/2000001226683.jpg?_ex=365x365)
![Lacey and Mr. Bentley【電子書籍】[ K. Lyn ]](https://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/rakutenkobo-ebooks/cabinet/6683/2000001226683.jpg?_ex=365x365)
<p> Lacey’s professor has quite the reputation for being the great seducer on campus, and Lacey desperately needs his assistance. The smug professor gladly invites her to his private residence on a Friday night for a private tutoring session, eager to have the one woman who does not fall at his feet whenever he enters the classroom. Lacey, however, is not like most young women who have fallen quickly under the spell of the handsome professor. Professor Bentley is not the first professor who has tried to have his way with her, and Lacey has not yet fallen for even one of their well honed skills of seduction. </p> <p> <strong>Excerpt:</strong><br /> “What’s your pleasure, Lacey?” he asked, offering her a drink. “And call me Bentley,” he added. <br /> <br /> Getting laid, she wanted to say, but she asked for something that wasn’t too strong, leaving the choice up to him. Lacey knew how much this professor loved power, and even the smallest gesture would be interpreted as her giving in to him. She would give him the little things, but never the big thing that she knew he wanted.<br /> <br /> Professor Bentley did look tasty tonight. He was sexy, Lacey had to admit, but he was very smug, too. Lacey preferred a little humility in her men. He was wearing tight jeans tonight that made his butt look even better than it usually did as he moved from one side of the room to the other in class in his fitted dress pants. <br /> <br /> <strong>******</strong><br /> <br /> “No need to go, Lacey. We can play with just the three of us,” Professor Bentley offered, with a sly smile. <br /> <br /> Lacey was feeling good from the drink and getting hornier by the minute, so she agreed. Maybe I can win some money from these guys and go on a cruise after I graduate,” she thought. “What are we playing for?” Lacey looked at Bentley as she asked. <br /> <br /> Bentley knew what he wanted to play for, and he was looking right at it. Lacey was one of the few women who didn’t fall at his feet whenever he walked into a room. “Hm, how ‘bout a dare, Lacey? Did you ever play Truth or Dare as a teenager?” <br /> <br /> “Of course.” <br /> <br /> “Have you ever played a sex game, Lacey?” <br /> <br /> “Of course I have, hasn’t everyone?” she said, determined not to give Professor Bentley the upper hand. <br /> <br /> The cocky professor wanted to say a lot of things to Lacey at that moment, but he held his comments. He was like a cat really. He liked to play with his prey for awhile before he nailed it.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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ベントレー 関連ツイート
@huwawawa_girl 他にも、フォルクスワーゲン、ベントレー、BMW、コルベット、キャデラック、ジャガー、アルファロメオ、アウディとかもある。
@shinta_818 2018/05/02 21:04
RT @fudatzkee: 100年後も愛される曲を作ってみたい。一曲でもいい。それが今の僕の夢です。ベントレーもベルサーチも葉山の別荘もまったくどうでもいい。残りの半生僕の命は芸術に注ぎますとか思っちゃうわけこう言う曲聴いてると。
『ラブ・ストーリーは突然に 』 TRICE…@md161104 2018/05/02 19:47
RT @jawayjaway: @ShinyaMatsuura @YahooNewsTopics ロールスロイスはBMWが買ってから世代断絶してるので、ベントレーを保有しているVWに問い合わせなきゃ。公的機関は正規ディーラーにこだわり過ぎて、その辺りの対応は融通が利かないよね。
@mn_photo_sora 2018/05/02 19:09